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UNCITRAL Working Groups

Upcoming Working Group Sessions


  • 28 June to 16 July 2021, Vienna (tentative)


Working Group I - Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  • 28 September to 2 October 2020, Vienna 

  • 25-29 January 2021, Vienna

  • 4-8 October 2021, Vienna (tentative) 


Working Group II - Arbitration and Conciliation / Dispute Settlement

  • 22-26 March 2021, New York

  • 27 September to 1 October 2021, Vienna (tentative)


Working Group III - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform

  • 5-9 October 2020, Vienna 

  • 8-12 February 2021, Vienna

  • 15-19 November 2021, Vienna (falls on Gurpurab) (tentative)


Working Group IV - Electronic Commerce

  • 19-23 October 2020, Vienna 

  • 5–9 April 2021, New York

  • 18–22 October 2021, Vienna (tentative)


Working Group V - Insolvency Law


Working Group VI - Judicial Sale of Ships

  • 14-18 December 2020, Vienna 

  • 19-23 April 2021, New York

  • 22-26 November 2021, Vienna (tentative)

Working Groups

Working Groups: Introduction


UNCITRAL has established six working groups to perform substantive preparatory work on topics within its program of work.


Specifically, ‘mandates’ or legal tasks are assigned by the Commission to each of the six Working Groups. Each Working Group is usually given one major mandate at a time, although some mandates may give rise to several related texts, such as a Model Law and an associated Guide to Enactment.


The Commission meets once a year in July, alternating between Vienna in New York, for a 2-3 week period. At each meeting it assigns new mandates, and reviews the progress on existing mandates through reports from each of the Working Groups. These Working Groups are composed of representatives from all member States of the Commission.


Once a text is completed by a Working Group, meaning complete consensus on all of the terms of the text has been reached, it is then considered in detail by the Commission. Finalisation (adoption) by the Commission gives the text its official status. This is not a formality, even though the Commission will have been involved in prior meetings considering the work on the text as it has been progressed. Certain texts, such as conventions, require approval by the UN General Assembly before they are finalised.


Scroll through to find out more about each of the six Working Groups, which in 2020 are focusing on the following areas of international trade law:


Working Group I: Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Working Group II: Arbitration and Conciliation/Dispute Settlement

Working Group III: Investor-State Dispute Resolution

Working Group IV: Electronic Commerce

Working Group V: Insolvency Law

Working Group VI: Judicial Sale of Ships

Find out more!

I      II    III   IV      VI



Parties interested in the application of domestic legal instruments will generally have easy access to case law concerning those instruments through databases such as LexisNexis or FirstPoint, while international lawyers and academics can often struggle to keep up to date with the application of international instruments. Accordingly, UNCITRAL has developed a database of Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT), which is freely accessible to all interested parties. 



The database, which is searchable according to various criteria (instrument considered, jurisdiction, date, etc.), can be found on the UNCITRAL website, accessible through the below button: 


(Link opens in new tab)

Academic Articles

Academic Articles



UNCITRAL has developed an extensive resource database, spanning a diverse set of topics ranging from arbitration, to commercial fraud and transport law. 


The resources, which are categorised according to topics, can be found on the UNCITRAL website, accessible through the below button: 


(Link opens in new tab)



Each year the Secretariat of UNCITRAL collates a bibliography of articles and other resources relating to the work of UNCITRAL.


The Bibliography, which is categorised according to topics, can be found on the UNCITRAL website, accessible through the below button: 


(Link opens in new tab)

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